Thank you very much to Property Profession for inviting me to share my thoughts on the role of buying agents!

Property Profession is a property portal focusing on conducting in-depth interviews with the most influential experts and professionals in the property and real estate industry.

A buying agent, or property search agent, works exclusively on behalf of the buyer. But it doesn’t stop here: we go beyond just searching for properties.

We provide comprehensive advice and guidance throughout the entire buying process. This includes advising clients on whether a property is worth pursuing, based on factors like title issues, restrictions, or poor survey results.

We also help buyers navigate the property market and liaise with estate agents, who do not always provide all the crucial information upfront, as well as negotiate the best possible price and terms.

Here is the link to the full interview:

I’d just emphasise that buying a property is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. Having an experienced professional on your side can make all the difference, ensuring that you make a well-informed decision that aligns with your long-term goals.

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